Anti-Harassment Procedure
Every person attending our events has a right to be treated with respect and decency. We have a zero-tolerance stance on abusive, or bigoted behaviour, violence, racism, sexism, transphobia, body negativity, sexual harassment, discrimination of age, religion or belief, gender or sexuality, visible or invisible mental or physical limitations.
We are creating a SAFE(R) SPACE.
“Safe (r)” because we realise that not everyone experiences spaces in the same way as others. A safe (r) space is a supportive, non-threatening environment that encourages openness, respect, as well as physical and mental safety.
We strive to respect and understand the specific needs of everyone. ALL who enter have the responsibility to uphold the values of the space.
If we experience an instance of spiking we will announce it to the show and encourage everyone to exchange their drinks for a fresh one after rinsing their glass at the wash stations, apologies for the expense but explain we want everyone to stay safe.
We will then Inform every exhibitor, all staff and security to be on the lookout for anyone exhibiting signs of being spiked. Tell staff at the exits to look out for instances of guests (both male & female) who are being led away whilst clearly in a state of either intoxication or have they been spiked. Ensure that we encage with the person in trouble (for whatever reason) and ensure that they want to leave with the person they are with.
Ensure that the cabbie is aware that if they show any signs of being scared or unwilling, or that they become unconscious or unresponsive at any point, inform them you have their details and expect them to take them to A&E.
Take pictures of anyone they are with.
Although we have never had an incident of this kind, we are keenly aware of the rise in this heinous act. If you suspect you have been spiked, please approach the medical staff immediately. They will have test kits so if possible, please take your drink. Followed by security and / or event organisers.
The medical staff will liaise with security and authorities and take appropriate action agreed with yourself.
If you are caught trying this you can expect to be detained by our fully qualified SIA staff, we will call the police and cooperate with them fully.
You can be assured your complaint will be kept strictly confident until such time as any official reports need to be made to authorities and only with your approval.
Contact Options:
In-Person: Find the nearest security guard and ask to speak with the Event Manager, they will direct you to a private office that will be manned by an appropriate SIA approved security officer and an event representative. We will be ready to listen and help action any next steps required.
Exhibitors and Staff:
We are asking all exhibitors and staff to sign a pledge to help us drive out negative behaviour. They are uniquely positioned to act as eyes and ears. By being involved with Brew//LDN they have pledged to report anything they witness to the organisers and or security.
All teams are comitted to ensuring guests have a great time, stay safe and leave us with happy memories.